An introduction to solaris

What is solaris?

solaris is a Python library with two main purposes:

  1. Run existing geospatial computer vision models on any overhead imagery with a single line of code

  2. Accelerate research in the geospatial computer vision domain by providing efficient implementations of common utility functions:

    • Imagery and vector-formatted label tiling

    • Interconversion between geospatial and machine learning data formats

    • Loss functions common in geospatial computer vision applications

    • Standardized evaluation of model performance on geospatial analysis tasks

    • And more!

Why should I use solaris?

Most geospatial machine learning researchers discover early that they need to write custom code to massage their data into a machine learning-compatible format. This poses three major problems:

  1. It is very challenging to evaluate models developed elsewhere or using different data, precluding deployment of geospatial ML solutions.

  2. Researchers must have deep expertise in both GIS concepts and computer vision to advance the field, meaning less research gets done, slowing progress.

  3. Every geospatial ML practitioner uses different data formats, imagery normalization methods, and machine learning frameworks during algorithm development. This makes comparison between models and application to new data time-consuming, if not impossible.

solaris aims to overcome these obstacles by providing a single, centralized, open source tool suite that can:

  1. Accommodate any geospatial imagery and label formats,

  2. prepare data for use in machine learning in a standardized fashion,

  3. train computer vision models and generate predictions on geospatial imagery data using common deep learning frameworks, and

  4. score model performance using domain-relevant metrics in a reproducible manner.

How do I use solaris?

After installing solaris, there are two usage modes:

Command line: train or test models performance with a single command

solaris will provide a command line interface (CLI) tool to run an entire geospatial imagery analysis pipeline from raw, un-chipped imagery, through model training (if applicable) and prediction, to vector-formatted outputs. If you provide ground truth labels over your prediction area, solaris can generate quality metrics for the predictions. See an introduction to the solaris CLI for more.

Python API: Use solaris to accelerate model development

Alongside the simple CLI, all of solaris’s functionality is accessible via the Python API. The entirely open source codebase provides classes and functions to:

  • Tile imagery and labels

  • Convert geospatial raster and vector data to formats compatible with machine learning frameworks

  • Train deep learning models using PyTorch and Tensorflow (Keras) - more frameworks coming soon!

  • Generate predictions on any geospatial imagery using your own models or existing pre-trained models from past SpaceNet challenges

  • Convert model outputs to geospatial raster or vector formats

  • Score model performance using standardized, geospatial-specific metrics

The solaris Python API documentation can be found here, and we have provided tutorials for common use cases. The open source codebase is available on GitHub.

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