Source code for solaris.nets.transform

#!/usr/bin/env python
Image transformation, augmentation, etc. for use in models.

Where possible, the codebase uses albumentations implementations for transforms
because they checked various different implementations and use the fastest one.
However, in some cases albumentations uses a cv2 backend,
which is incompatible with unusual channel counts in imagery, and therefore
other implementations are used for those functions here.

Note: Some augmentations are unavailable in this library.

Functionality used directly from albumentations:
- Crop
- VerticalFlip
- HorizontalFlip
- Flip
- Transpose
- Resize
- CenterCrop
- RandomCrop
- RandomSizedCrop
- OpticalDistortion
- GridDistortion
- ElasticTransform
- Normalize
- HueSaturationValue  # NOTE: CAN ONLY HANDLE RGB 3-CHANNEL!
- RandomRotate90
- RandomBrightnessContrast
- Blur
- MotionBlur
- MedianBlur
- GaussNoise
- RandomGamma
- ToFloat
- NoOp
- PadIfNeeded

Implemented here:
- Rotate
- RandomScale
- Cutout

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from scipy import ndimage as ndi

from albumentations.augmentations import functional as F
from albumentations.augmentations.functional import preserve_channel_dim
from albumentations.core.transforms_interface import DualTransform, to_tuple, \
    ImageOnlyTransform, NoOp
from albumentations.augmentations.transforms import Crop, VerticalFlip,       \
    HorizontalFlip, Flip, Transpose, Resize, CenterCrop, RandomCrop, Cutout,  \
    RandomSizedCrop, OpticalDistortion, GridDistortion, ElasticTransform,     \
    Normalize, HueSaturationValue, RGBShift, RandomBrightnessContrast,        \
    Blur, MotionBlur, MedianBlur, GaussNoise, CLAHE, RandomGamma, ToFloat,    \
    RandomRotate90, PadIfNeeded
from albumentations.core.composition import Compose, OneOf, OneOrOther

__all__ = ['Crop', 'VerticalFlip', 'HorizontalFlip', 'Flip', 'Transpose',
           'Resize', 'CenterCrop', 'RandomCrop', 'RandomSizedCrop',
           'OpticalDistortion', 'GridDistortion', 'ElasticTransform',
           'Normalize', 'HueSaturationValue', 'RGBShift',
           'RandomBrightnessContrast', 'Blur', 'MotionBlur', 'MedianBlur',
           'GaussNoise', 'CLAHE', 'RandomGamma', 'ToFloat', 'Rotate', 'RandomRotate90',
           'PadIfNeeded', 'RandomScale', 'Cutout', 'Compose', 'OneOf', 'OneOrOther', 'NoOp',
           'RandomRotate90', 'SwapChannels', 'process_aug_dict', 'get_augs', 'build_pipeline']

class DropChannel(ImageOnlyTransform):
    """Drop a channel from an input image.

    idx : int
        The channel index to drop.
    axis : int, optional (default: 1)
        The axis to drop the channel from. Defaults to ``1`` (torch channel
        axis). Set to ``3`` for TF models where the channel is the last axis
        of an image.
    always_apply : bool, optional (default: False)
        Apply this transformation to every image? Defaults to no (``False``).
    p : float [0, 1], optional (default: 1.0)
        Probability that the augmentation is performed to each image. Defaults
        to ``1.0``.

    def __init__(self, idx, axis=1, always_apply=False, p=1.0):
        super().__init__(always_apply, p)

        self.idx = idx
        self.axis = axis

    def apply(self, im_arr, **params):
        return np.delete(im_arr, self.idx, self.axis)

[docs]class SwapChannels(ImageOnlyTransform): """Swap channels in an input image. Arguments --------- first_idx : int The first channel in the pair to swap. second_idx : int The second channel in the pair to swap. axis : int, optional (default: 1) The axis to drop the channel from. Defaults to ``0`` (torch channel axis). Set to ``2`` for TF models where the channel is the last axis of an image. always_apply : bool, optional (default: False) Apply this transformation to every image? Defaults to no (``False``). p : float [0, 1], optional (default: 1.0) Probability that the augmentation is performed to each image. Defaults to ``1.0``. """ def __init__(self, first_idx, second_idx, axis=0, always_apply=False, p=1.0): super().__init__(always_apply, p) if axis not in [0, 2]: raise ValueError("Solaris can only accommodate axis values of 0 " "(Torch axis style) or 2 (TensorFlow/Keras axis " "style) for SwapChannel.") self.first_idx = first_idx self.second_idx = second_idx self.axis = axis def apply(self, im_arr, **params): if self.axis == 0: subarr = im_arr[self.first_idx, ...].copy() im_arr[self.first_idx, ...] = im_arr[self.second_idx, ...] im_arr[self.second_idx, ...] = subarr elif self.axis == 2: subarr = im_arr[..., self.first_idx].copy() im_arr[..., self.first_idx] = im_arr[..., self.second_idx] im_arr[..., self.second_idx] = subarr return im_arr
[docs]class Rotate(DualTransform): """Array rotation using scipy.ndimage's implementation. Arguments --------- limit : ``[int, int]`` or ``int`` Range from which a random angle is picked. If only a single `int` is provided, an angle is picked from range(-angle, angle) border_mode : str, optional One of ``['reflect', 'nearest', 'constant', 'wrap']``. Defaults to ``'reflect'``. See :func:`scipy.ndimage.interpolation.rotate` ``mode`` argument. cval : int or float, optional constant value to fill borders with if ``border_mode=='constant'``. Defaults to 0. always_apply : bool, optional Apply this transformation to every image? Defaults to no (``False``). p : float [0, 1], optional Probability that the augmentation is performed to each image. Defaults to ``0.5``. """ def __init__(self, limit=90, border_mode='reflect', cval=0.0, always_apply=False, p=0.5): super(Rotate, self).__init__(always_apply, p) self.limit = to_tuple(limit) self.border_mode = border_mode self.cval = cval def apply(self, im_arr, angle=0, border_mode='reflect', cval=0, **params): return ndi.interpolation.rotate(im_arr, angle=angle, mode=self.border_mode, cval=self.cval) def get_params(self): return {'angle': np.random.randint(self.limit[0], self.limit[1])} def apply_to_bbox(self, bbox, angle=0, **params): return F.bbox_rotate(bbox, angle, **params) def apply_to_keypoint(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class RandomScale(DualTransform): """Randomly resize the input array in X and Y. Arguments --------- scale_limit : ``(float, float)`` tuple or float Limit to the amount of scaling to perform on the image. If provided as a tuple, the limits are ``[shape*scale_limit[0], shape*scale_limit[1]]``. If only a single vaue is passed, this is converted to a tuple by converting to ``(1-scale_limit, 1+scale_limit)``, i.e. ``scale_limit=0.2`` is equivalent to ``scale_limit=(0.8, 1.2)``. axis : str, optional Which axis should be rescaled? Options are ``['width', 'height', 'both'].`` interpolation : str, optional Interpolation method to use for resizing. One of ``['bilinear', 'bicubic', 'lanczos', 'nearest', or 'hamming']``. Defaults to ``'bicubic'``. See the Pillow_ documentation for more information. always_apply : bool, optional Apply this transformation to every image? Defaults to no (``False``). p : float [0, 1], optional Probability that the augmentation is performed to each image. Defaults to ``0.5``. .. _: """ def __init__(self, scale_limit, axis='both', interpolation='bicubic', always_apply=False, p=0.5): super(RandomScale, self).__init__(always_apply, p) self.scale_limit = to_tuple(scale_limit) # post-processing to fix values if only a single number was passed self.axis = axis if self.scale_limit[0] == -self.scale_limit[1]: self.scale_limit = tuple([self.scale_limit[0]+1, self.scale_limit[1]+1]) if interpolation == 'bicubic': self.interpolation = BICUBIC elif interpolation == 'bilinear': self.interpolation = BILINEAR elif interpolation == 'lanczos': self.interpolation = LANCZOS elif interpolation == 'nearest': self.interpolation = NEAREST elif interpolation == 'hamming': self.interpolation = HAMMING else: raise ValueError( 'The interpolation argument is not one of: ' + '["bicubic", "bilinear", "hamming", "lanczos", "nearest"]') def get_params(self): if self.axis == 'height': x = 1 y = np.random.uniform(self.scale_limit[0], self.scale_limit[1]) elif self.axis == 'width': x = np.random.uniform(self.scale_limit[0], self.scale_limit[1]) y = 1 elif self.axis == 'both': x = np.random.uniform(self.scale_limit[0], self.scale_limit[1]) y = np.random.uniform(self.scale_limit[0], self.scale_limit[1]) return {'scale_x': x, 'scale_y': y} def apply(self, img, scale_x=1, scale_y=1, **params): return scale(img, scale_x, scale_y, self.interpolation) def apply_to_bbox(self, bbox, **params): # per Albumentations, bbox coords are scale-invariant return bbox def apply_to_keypoint(self, keypoint): raise NotImplementedError
# NOTE ON THE ShiftScaleRotate CLASS BELOW: # Aside from cv2, there is currently no good implementation that enables # handling the border in any way other than filling. I'm not 100% sure this # is going to work for >3-channel images but we're going to roll the dice for # now. # class ShiftScaleRotate(DualTransform): # """Shift/scale/rotate using Pillow. # # Arguments # --------- # scale_limits : `int` or `tuple`, optional # Limits of re-scaling amount, in fraction of starting size. If an `int` # is passed, the image size will be rescaled randomly in the range # ``(1-scale_limits, 1+scale_limits)``. If a 2-tuple is provided, both # x and y scaling will have values drawn from # ``np.random.uniform(scale_limits[0], scale_limits[1])``. If a 4-tuple # is provided, x scaling will be selected from # ``np.random.uniform(scale_limits[0], scale_limits[1])``, and y scaling # will be selected from # ``np.random.uniform(scale_limits[2], scale_limits[3]).`` To maintain # aspect ratio, use `lock_aspect=True` (has no effect if a 4-tuple is # provided). If not passed, image is not scaled. # lock_aspect : bool, optional # Should aspect ratio be locked to the input ratio? Defaults to no # (``True``). If ``True`` and a 4-tuple is passed for `scale_limits`, # `lock_aspect` is ignored. # rotation_limits : `int` or 2-`tuple`, optional # Limit of degrees of rotation of the image. If an integer, then the # image will be rotated an angle randomly selected from # ``range(-rotation_limits, rotation_limits)`` degrees. # If a tuple of form ``(min_rotation, max_rotation)``, the image will be # rotated an angle randomly selected from # ``range(min_rotation, max_rotation)``. Defaults to 0 (no rotation). # translation_limits: int or 2-tuple, optional # Magnitude of x and y translations to perform in pixels. If a single int # is provided, both x and y translation will be selected from the random # uniform range of ``([-limit, +limit])``. If a 2-tuple # ``(x_limit, y_limit)`` is provided, the limits are set separately based # on the provided tuple. # interpolation : str, optional # Interpolation method to use for resizing. One of # ``['bilinear', 'bicubic', or 'nearest']``. # Defaults to ``'bicubic'``. See the Pillow_ documentation for more # information. # p : float [0, 1], optional # Probability that the augmentation is performed to each image. Defaults # to ``0.5``. # # .. _: # """ # def __init__(self, size=None, scale_limits=0, lock_aspect=True, # rotation_limits=0, translation_limits=0, # interpolation="bicubic", p=0.5, always_apply=False): # super(ShiftScaleRotate, self).__init__(always_apply, p) # self.lock_aspect = lock_aspect # if type(scale_limits) == float: # self.scale_limits = (1-scale_limits, 1+scale_limits, # 1-scale_limits, 1+scale_limits) # elif type(scale_limits) == tuple: # if len(scale_limits) == 2: # self.scale_limits = (scale_limits[0], scale_limits[1], # scale_limits[0], scale_limits[1]) # elif len(scale_limits == 4): # self.scale_limits = scale_limits # self.lock_aspect = False # force if a 4-tuple was provided # else: # raise ValueError( # "len(scale_limits) must be len 2 or 4 if it's a tuple.") # else: # raise TypeError('scale_limits must be a float or tuple.') # self.rotation_limits = to_tuple(rotation_limits) # self.translation_limits = to_tuple(translation_limits) # if interpolation == 'bicubic': # self.interpolation = BICUBIC # elif interpolation == 'bilinear': # self.interpolation = BILINEAR # elif interpolation == 'nearest': # self.interpolation = NEAREST # else: # raise ValueError( # 'The interpolation argument is not one of: ' + # '["bicubic", "bilinear", "nearest"]') # # def apply(self, img, angle=0, scale=0, dx=0, dy=0, # interpolation=self.interpolation, **params): # # # # def get_params(self): # parameters to use in apply() # param_dict = { # 'angle': np.random.uniform(self.rotation_limits[0], # self.rotation_limits[1]), # 'xscale': np.random.uniform(1+self.scale_limits[0], # 1+self.scale_limits[1]), # 'yscale': np.random.uniform(1+self.scale_limits[2], # 1+self.scale_limits[3]), # 'dx': np.random.randint(self.translation_limits[0], # self.translation_limits[1]), # 'dy': np.random.randint(self.translation_limits[0], # self.translation_limits[1])} # if self.lock_aspect: # reset param_dict['yscale'] to same as x # param_dict['yscale'] = param_dict['xscale'] # return param_dict @preserve_channel_dim def scale(im, scale_x, scale_y, interpolation): """Scale an image using Pillow.""" im_shape = im.shape y_size = int(scale_y*im_shape[0]) x_size = int(scale_x*im_shape[1]) return np.array(Image.fromarray(im.astype('uint8')).resize((x_size, y_size), interpolation))
[docs]def build_pipeline(config): """Create train and val augmentation pipelines from a config object. Arguments --------- config : dict A configuration dictionary created by parsing a .yaml config file. See documentation to the project. Returns ------- Two ``albumentations.core.composition.Compose`` instances with the entire augmentation pipeline assembled: one for training and one for validation/ inference. """ train_aug_dict = config['training_augmentation'] val_aug_dict = config['validation_augmentation'] train_aug_pipeline = process_aug_dict(train_aug_dict) val_aug_pipeline = process_aug_dict(val_aug_dict) return train_aug_pipeline, val_aug_pipeline
def _check_augs(augs): """Check if augmentations are loaded in already or not.""" if isinstance(augs, dict): return process_aug_dict(augs) elif isinstance(augs, Compose): return augs
[docs]def process_aug_dict(pipeline_dict, meta_augs_list=['oneof', 'oneorother']): """Create a Compose object from an augmentation config dict. Notes ----- See the documentation for instructions on formatting the config .yaml to enable utilization by get_augs. Arguments --------- aug_dict : dict The ``'training_augmentation'`` or ``'validation_augmentation'`` sub-dict from the ``config`` object. meta_augs_list : dict, optional The list of augmentation names that correspond to "meta-augmentations" in all lowercase (e.g. ``oneof``, ``oneorother``). This will be used to find augmentation dictionary items that need further parsing. Returns ------- ``Compose`` instance The composed augmentation pipeline. """ if pipeline_dict is None: return None p = pipeline_dict.get('p', 1.0) # probability of applying augs in pipeline xforms = pipeline_dict['augmentations'] composer_list = get_augs(xforms, meta_augs_list) return Compose(composer_list, p=p)
[docs]def get_augs(aug_dict, meta_augs_list=['oneof', 'oneorother']): """Get the set of augmentations contained in a dict. aug_dict : dict The ``'augmentations'`` sub-dict of a ``'training_augmentation'`` or ``'validation_augmentation'`` item in the ``'config'`` object. sub-dict from the ``config`` object. meta_augs_list : dict, optional The list of augmentation names that correspond to "meta-augmentations" in all lowercase (e.g. ``oneof``, ``oneorother``). This will be used to find augmentation dictionary items that need further parsing. Returns ------- list `list` of augmentations to pass to a ``Compose`` object. """ aug_list = [] if aug_dict is not None: for aug, params in aug_dict.items(): if aug.lower() in meta_augs_list: # recurse into sub-dict aug_list.append(aug_matcher[aug](get_augs(aug_dict[aug]))) else: aug_list.append(_get_aug(aug, params)) return aug_list
def _get_aug(aug, params): """Get augmentations (recursively if needed) from items in the aug_dict.""" aug_obj = aug_matcher[aug.lower()] if params is None: return aug_obj() elif isinstance(params, dict): return aug_obj(**params) else: raise ValueError( '{} is not a valid aug param (must be dict of args)'.format(params) ) aug_matcher = { 'crop': Crop, 'centercrop': CenterCrop, 'randomcrop': RandomCrop, 'randomsizedcrop': RandomSizedCrop, 'verticalflip': VerticalFlip, 'horizontalflip': HorizontalFlip, 'flip': Flip, 'transpose': Transpose, 'resize': Resize, 'centercrop': CenterCrop, 'randomcrop': RandomCrop, 'randomsizedcrop': RandomSizedCrop, 'opticaldistortion': OpticalDistortion, 'griddistortion': GridDistortion, 'elastictransform': ElasticTransform, 'normalize': Normalize, 'huesaturationvalue': HueSaturationValue, 'rgbshift': RGBShift, 'randombrightnesscontrast': RandomBrightnessContrast, 'blur': Blur, 'motionblur': MotionBlur, 'medianblur': MedianBlur, 'gaussnoise': GaussNoise, 'clahe': CLAHE, 'randomgamma': RandomGamma, 'tofloat': ToFloat, 'rotate': Rotate, 'randomscale': RandomScale, 'cutout': Cutout, 'oneof': OneOf, 'oneorother': OneOrOther, 'noop': NoOp, 'randomrotate90': RandomRotate90, 'dropchannel': DropChannel, 'swapchannels': SwapChannels, 'padifneeded': PadIfNeeded }